POLYGONATOR AND THREAD MILLER FOR SINGLE-SPINDLE LATHES INDEX 25 AND B42 USED Available: N° 2 polygonator and thread miller for Index 25 N° 1 polygonator for Index B42
G1D/2B POLYGONAL CUTTER BOX USED FOR GILDEMEISTER AS20-GS20-GM20 The box has a cutter spindle with 8° 32′ conical attachment, and has a 2:1 ratio for milling polygons (2 revolutions of the cutter correspond to 1 revolution of the presamotion shaft). Completed with an adaptation plinth, it can be positioned indifferently in the POS. 4th or 5th. On request, the box can be supplied: – with a cutter shaft with cylindrical attachment, instead of the 8° 32′ conical one, – completely overhauled.